I am not Pro-life or Pro-choice, I am Pro-objective reasoning

4 min readOct 11, 2020

Sex leads to babies. The percentage of humans unaware of this fact when they engage in sexual activities is low. If you are going to have sex take responsibility of your actions, use birth control. Parents talk to your children about sex. Pro-life people donate money to make birth control available to everyone.

  1. Everyone having sex should keep proof that they are doing something to avoid pregnancy if they don’t want to have a child.

If you are going to be having sex but you can’t show that you were taking measures to avoid pregnancy, maybe, society should have a right to deny you an abortion?

2. If you are raped the option to abort legally and safely should be availed to you. Why should I be forced to to carry the burden of some sicko human being. Protect the victim.

People who believe rape victims don’t deserve this option should be asked would A) let rape victim have an abortion if they so choose or B) go to jail with the rapist? If you won’t be punished for a crime you didn’t commit why make the rape victim feel punished by a crime committed against them.

3. People whose babies die in the womb should be allowed to have an abortion if they so desire. It’s painful enough to lose your child without having to spend time carrying that a child. Maybe, people who believe someone should be forced to do this needs to be on a rotating list, like jury duty. Once someone who was forced to carry a still born child to term gives birth they take turns for the average length of time a parent would have had to carry the stillborn child carrying the stillborn child around to show solidarity and understanding to the mother.

4. People whose unborn child will have complications that will mean they will never be able to live an acceptably independent life (what an acceptably independent life looks like to be argued by people much smarter than me) should be allowed to have an abortion.

5. Appealing to social and economic reasons for abortion is not straight forward. Poverty, complicates access to education and access to birth control? Is there, however a point to forcing someone who clearly cannot take of the child to have the child if there is no guaranteed someone else to take care of the child?

We are a reasonable species please let us be reasonable about abortion. I am tired of reading one sided arguments from pro-choice humans and pro-life humans. Abortion is a complicated matter. People had abortions when it was illegal, people have abortion when it is legal and people will continue to have abortions in the future whether it is legal or not.

Humans, unable to carry babies please, you should take a back seat on this one. You are only involved in the about 30–60seconds of the first 9 months of of human life. Maybe if you had created a male version of the pill/IUD/patch we would be okay with having one or two of you at the table of this discussion but you didn’t and still complain about wearing a condom. Women shoulder the burden of population control, please, be reasonable men, let women lead the charge on this one.

Dear Pro-life humans,

If you are pro-life because of religious reasons. I am going to need you to take a seat and go back to the drawing board of how to diminish or eliminate the need for abortion. Do some root cause analysis on why humans seek abortion and think of solutions that address the reasons why people seek abortions.

Pregnancy is just the visible result of a failure to adhere to whatever religious teaching about sex the humans have received or failed to receive by choice or circumstance.

Focus on doing a better job on religious education. ‘Prevention is better than cure.’ If you manage to catch these “bad apples” at no sex before marriage abortion problem solved. Furthermore, a good number of pro-life folk also support anti-life principles like death sentence, welfare, universal healthcare…e.tc. So, do you respect all life or do you not? Be consistent, if you find yourself struggling with conflicting opinions on the importance of preserving human life in a variety of circumstance, take a backseat on abortion issues.

Dear Pro-choice humans,

A blob of cells today. A fetus tomorrow. Late term abortion abortion next month. New born baby the next year. My two year old has become inconvenient. Are they paying taxes yet? What meaningful contribution to the society are they making yet?

I am obviously exaggerating but…

An unfettered pro-choice stance can start to feel careless sometimes. I came across this breakdown of why women have abortions from 2004. The research is from an organization that uses studies to help support policy making and program reform in the US. The top reasons for abortion are socio-economic, I would love to hear pro-choice arguments centered around justifying this type of abortion not the rape, incest, health…reasons since these account for less than 5% of abortions.

“Reasons U.S. Women Have Abortions: Quantitative and Quantitative Perspectives” 2005 data from the Alan Guttmacher Institute.

  • Not ready for another child/timing is wrong (25%)
  • Can’t afford a baby now (23%)
  • Have completed my childbearing/have other people depending on me/children are grown (19%)
  • Don’t want to be a single mother/am having relationship problems (8%)
  • Don’t feel mature enough to raise another child/feel too young (7%)
  • Would interfere with education or career plans (4%)
  • Physical problems with my health (4%)
  • Possible problems affect the health of the fetus (3%)
  • Was a victim of rape (0.5%)
  • Husband or partner wants me to have an abortion (0.5%)
  • Parents want me to have an abortion (0.5%)
  • Don’t want people to know I had sex or got pregnant (0.5%)
  • Other (6%)

